Motomodd > Motorola > E398/E398@Rockr/i398/E1 Rockr/ Rockr E2


E398/E398@Rockr/i398/E1 Rockr/ Rockr E2 R373, R372 Modds.

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Antigo 31-05-2008, 10:34 PM
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Padrão Patchs para E398@Rockr

Créditos : gayoe

O Pack contém todas as patchs abaixo :

Atenção : As mudanças feitas pelos patchs são feitas na CG1,antes de qualquer mudança ou teste façam o backup qualquer coisa é só restaurar a CG1.
exeto "Patch 6 fonts CG15 oriLP " que altera a DRM para usar a multifont.

Esclarecimento sobre a Multifont :
Para usar a Multifont tem que se aplicar uma patch na CG1,editar a CG4 e aplicar uma patch na DRM,ainda não consegui editar o português BR na multifont recebi uns toques do montox de como editar,mas meu tempo está escasso,não é apenas editar com o shx codec,tem editar com o motolang editor acertando a strings,assim que conseguir posto no fórum.

Patches for E398 and E1 ROKR firmwareR373_4xR:


Abolish control by illumination Java
Add new simbol ± ² ³ ½ ¼ ¾
Alarm (Left-Soft - Edit)
auto delivery report sms 1.16
BT 5 min
Cancelation check signature java
Change Display Timeout Activity 42R
Change simbols order 42R
Change zoom
Changed indicates of the battery 42R
Date Format
Filesystem on OBEX
info patches 42R
Java full access patch
Java with the cable works
No delete call register changing simcard
No sound change volume
Remove ID the melody of subscriber from sms 42R
Store photo without menu
Time and name in the list of the alarm clocks


Access to simu of korelta
Add new simbol ± ² ³ ½ ¼ ¾
Alarm (Left-Soft - Edit)_46R
Alarm 5m
Autokeypadlock patch
BT time 3 min
Cancelation check signature java
Change Display Timeout Activity
Change keypad lock unlock
change menu opcode
Change menu sound,pic,video
Change zoom
Changes the size of number
Date Format
Flashlight patch
Java full access patch
Java with the cable works
Name and time in the list of the alarm clocks-
Reboot on Chat
Reflects korelety in the list Java FIX
Removal unnecessary TF folder
remove ID the melody of subscriber from sms
Store foto without menu
To abolish control by illumination Java 1.10


Add new simbol ± ² ³ ½ ¼ ¾
Alarm (Left-Soft - Edit)_48R
Auto report sms 1.16
Autokeypadlock patch
Cancelation check signature java
Change Display Timeout Activity
Change keypad lock unlock
Change menu opcode
Change zoom
Date Format
Java full access patch
Java with the cable works
Name and time in the list of the alarm clocks
Reboot on Chat
remove ID the melody of subscriber from sms
Store foto without menu


49R Access to simu of korelta
49R autokeypadlock patch
49R java full access patch
49R number
Add new simbol ± ² ³ ½ ¼ ¾
Alarm (Left-Soft - Edit)
Alarm 5m
Auto delivery report sms 1.18 49R
Cancelation check signature java
Change Display Timeout Activity
Change keypad lock unlock
Change menu opcode 49R
Change menu sound,pic,video
Change shortcuts v1.87
Change shortcuts49Rv1.87 Info
Change zoom
Changed indicates of the battery
Changes the size of number
Date Format 49R
Default Sound,Pic,Video Menu
Failure MCMR
flashlight #+#
flashlight star+star
i -Tap_po_umolcanih_v_korelte
Java Black Background 49r
Java still running in background 49R
Java with the cable works 49rFix
Name and time in the list of the alarm clocks49rFIX-
No_busy_audio_channels_by_Low_Batt_tone_at_playbac k_and_talk_with_increase_interval_between_disharge _tone49
Reboot on Chat
Reflects korelety in the list Java FIX
Removal of all unnecessary folders from the telephone
Removal of the pressures of keys 112 and 911
Removal unnecessary TF folder
remove ID the melody of subscriber from sms 373_49
Remove status line (Fix)
Skin on disk A
Store foto without menu
To abolish control by illumination Java 1.10 fix 49R
vibrate files

BT 49R

10 min
16 min
3 min
30 min
5 min
60 min
BT install


klava off (Kjava)13
screen off (Kjava)11




Patch 6 fonts CG15 oriLP
Patch 6 fonts CG1_46R
Patch 6 fonts CG1_48R
Patch 6 fonts CG1_49R


MMS - 1000 kb para firmware 49R
MP3 de 320 Kbs para firmware 46R
MP3 de 320 Kbs para firmware 49R
Hours into status to line 1.56 fix para 49R
Arquivos Anexados
Tipo de Arquivo: rar Hours into status to line 1.56 fix para 49R.rar (934 Bytes, 10 visualizações)
Tipo de Arquivo: zip (916 Bytes, 11 visualizações)
Tipo de Arquivo: zip (281 Bytes, 9 visualizações)
Tipo de Arquivo: zip (308 Bytes, 9 visualizações)
Tipo de Arquivo: rar Patch 4xR.rar (236.8 KB, 10 visualizações)
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