15-11-2008, 11:23 PM
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Katze3 FInal RELEASE MP (Rockr E2)
Katze3 Feature Summary
-all the Ultimate Fw improvements based on 46p Katze2
-System Info changed interface to Realtime Sys Info
-It is WAY faster and STABLER than ultimate like 4x haha
-I ported everything to a 46 engine...
-iTune_OK_Kernel which maked the APMD more dinamically
-The Best Sound Quality AGAIN
-Changed Boot animation
-changed almost all the Sound Interface
-Stock Skin Little bit improved
-SuperRabbit Desktop Interface
-Fast Load of "all" songs in Media player
-Intel Xscale Menu With a lil bug
-it should be EASY to USE FW
-Overclock is Dynamic Bcoz of the Impressive Kernel Work from
AFSIM which makes the fone work at 100,200,300,400 MHZ
-The bug on the Xscale menu, is fixed by enabling Linksys
navigate tru /system/usr/sysqtapp/ilove3d/OC.lin and execute it
after that click end, then u can use the feature from the Settings
-Camera is Top Quality
-Speed is 4x Ultimate Faster
-The Boot Time is Improving
-the load of tthe songs is WAY faster so far tested by cristian
-Obviously Based on 46P
Download Monster Pack Rockr E2:
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