Re: Firmware original Motorola Q GSM (Moto Q GSM_01.03.44I_SMR300)
Boa tarde,
Baixei a outra firmware, mas não obtive sucesso, tentei então utilizar a Scout para passar a firmware. Passando a Firmware pela Scout tive as seguintes informações:
- 1° Boot:
> Moto Q GSM_01.03.44I_SMR300_G_11.60.48I_BP_SVN51_GSZDRWNR TLBRLA033_secure_2924376264_1FF
> Informações da Scout;
SCout 1.17. Flashing phone "SE Flash Bulverde" with firmware "D:\Documents and Settings\XXXXXXX\Desktop\Arquivos\APARELHOS\MOTORO LA\Moto Q GSM_01.03.44I_SMR300_G_11.60.48I_BP_SVN51_GSZDRWNR TLBRLA033_secure_2924376264_1FF\Q_GSM_01.03.44I_SM R300_G_11.60.48I_BP_SVN51_GSZDRWNRTLBRLA033_secure _2924376264_1FF.sbf"...
Preparing firmware image...
Loading RAM downloader for bootloader...
Waiting for re-enumeration
Interface BP: Loading RAM downloader for bootloader...
Interface AP-OS: Erasing flash memory...
Interface AP-OS: Erase completed!
Interface AP-OS: Flashing code group 32...
Interface AP-OS: Code group 32 flashed
Interface AP-OS: Flashing code group 33...
Phone is processing data, please wait.
Interface AP-OS: Code group 33 flashed
Interface AP-OS: Flashing code group 34...
Phone is processing data, please wait.
Interface AP-OS: Code group 34 flashed
Interface AP-OS: Flashing code group 40...
Phone is processing data, please wait.
Interface BP: Erasing flash memory...
Phone is processing data, please wait.
Interface BP: Erase completed!
Interface BP: Flashing code group 0...
Interface BP: Code group 0 flashed
Interface BP: Flashing code group 1...
Phone is processing data, please wait.
Interface BP: Code group 1 flashed
Interface BP: Flashing code group 2...
Phone is processing data, please wait.
Interface BP: Code group 2 flashed
Interface BP: Flashing code group 3...
Phone is processing data, please wait.
Interface BP: Code group 3 flashed
Interface BP: Flashing code group 7...
Interface BP: Code group 7 flashed
Interface BP: Flashing code group 18...
Interface BP: Code group 18 flashed
Interface BP: Verifying checksums...
Phone is processing data, please wait.
Interface BP: Code group 0 checksums match
Interface BP: Code group 1 checksums match
Interface BP: Error verifying code group 2 - checksums mismatch
Interface BP: Code group 3 checksums match
Interface BP: Code group 7 checksums match
Interface BP: Code group 18 checksums match
Phone is processing data, please wait.
Interface AP-OS: Code group 40 flashed
Interface AP-OS: Verifying checksums...
BP failed
AP-OS passed
Flash failed
- 2° Boot:
> MOTO Q_GSM_01.05.45.01P_R1_SMR300_G_11.60.38I_BP_SVN10_ GCZDRWN000HGMW01D_secure_4044173542_1FF
> Informações da Scout
SCout 1.17. Flashing phone "SE Flash Bulverde" with firmware "D:\Documents and Settings\XXXXXXX\Desktop\Arquivos\APARELHOS\MOTORO LA\MOTO Q_GSM_01.05.45.01P_R1_SMR300_G_11.60.38I_BP_SVN10_ GCZDRWN000HGMW01D_secure_4044173542_1FF\Q_GSM_01.0 5.45.01P_R1_SMR300_G_11.60.38I_BP_SVN10_GCZDRWN000 HGMW01D_secure_4044173542_1FF.sbf"...
The superfile specified does not exist
Flash completed with error/warning: Flash library error 125
Se alguem tiver alguma ideia, sugestão ou até então a solução deste problema e puder compartilhar, ficaria muitissimo agradecido, obrigado!