Motomodd > Firmwares > Monster Packs série A1200


Monster Packs série A1200 Monster Packs para A1200/A1200i/A1200e

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Antigo 29-04-2012, 02:03 AM
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s27moto é um desconhecido a essa altura
Cool S27 Firmware 9 Feb 2012 For All A1200

Hi finally i modding my firmware

i think it's best for a1200


1- VR works in flip closed
2- Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French language
3- VR works Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French language
4- Radio works without headset 50 to 200 Hz
5- Multiple JAVA no limited
6- java no limited
3- Install PKG and MPKG very easily
4- you can call answer read and write sms with close flip
5- very load sound volume
6- USB modes - Modem, Mass Storage, USB Net , Web Camera
7- Great quality camera
8- New ON and OFF animation by s27
9- you can use all script files in preload folder in Amin.FW and MMC and your phone memory with .txt and .sh and .lin and etc extension will automatically run in phone - startup and startup1 ( unlimited scripts)
10- all email services work (yahoo - gmail - aol - etc)
11- Screen3 works
12- finger pad and number pad work both
13- Battery Life is great

and more

Download Link

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S27 Firmware By Lord Of Moto (S27moto)

9 February 2012

Special thanks to the developers of the Linux Community ( mobilestan , motorolafans , etc )
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